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Phase 1b clinical trial of a new generation of CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody ONC-392 monotherapy for the treatment of digestive solid tumors was officially launched in Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Hospital

Time: 2024-08-25 Author: admin_develop Browse: 27

On February 9, 2023 in Guangzhou, with the support of President Xu Ruihua and his team of Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Hospital and close cooperation with partner units, the "ONC-392 Phase 1b clinical study for the treatment of liver, stomach, esophageal and anal cancer" clinical trial project launch meeting sponsored by Guangzhou ONke Immunology was successfully held in Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Hospital. The project leader, President Xu Ruihua, participated in the project kickoff meeting and made a mobilization. Dr. Song Shiling, Senior medical Director of Onco Immunization, introduced the research and development background and progress of the project, and actively communicated with the research team. The partner, Tiger Medicine, also explained and trained on the project process, and the clinical trial project launch meeting was a complete success.

Clinical studies of ONC-392 monotherapy for the treatment of advanced/metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, and anal canal cancer have been approved by ethics committees at eight clinical centers. If you or your relatives or friends have been diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, or anal canal cancer, and are able to perform light physical activity or office work after at least first-line and at most third-line systemic anti-tumor therapy, and are interested in participating in the study, please go to the following hospitals for consultation, and the study doctor will determine whether you can participate in the study.

Medical Center/Principal investigator

Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Prevention Center (group leader unit) Xu Ruihua Dean

Liu Lian, Director of Shandong University Qilu Hospital

Gao Quanli, director of Henan Cancer Hospital

Zhao Xin, Deputy Director of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University

Wang Xicheng, Director of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University

Wu Long, deputy director of Wuhan University People's Hospital

Lin Rongbo, Director of Fujian Cancer Hospital

Zong Hong, director of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University

Shu Yongqian, Director of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University

Fudan University Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital Yu Yiyi deputy director

Hubei Cancer Hospital Liang Xinjun deputy director

Deng Yanhong, Director of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University



       ONC-392 is a new generation of anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody developed by OncoC4 in the United States and Onco Immunity in China. Due to its unique pH sensitivity, ONC-392 does not cause lysosomal degradation of CTLA-4, enabling more efficient and selective removal of regulatory T cells (a major culprit in tumor immune escape) from the tumor microenvironment. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that the efficacy and safety of ONC-392 is greatly improved compared to CTLA-4 targeted drugs. At present, ONC-392 monotherapy for PD (L)-1 relapse-resistant non-small cell lung cancer patients has been approved by the US FDA fast track (see previous related reports for details), and ONC-392 is currently being carried out clinical studies in dozens of institutions around the world for the treatment of advanced solid tumors with single drug or combined drug. For more information, please refer to the OncoC4 official website, the ONCOC4 official website (